Are these products bond breakers?
What is the Difference Between Porous & Non-Porous Adhesive Applications?
Barrier One Concrete Admixtures Porosity Inhibiting Admix (PIA) and Moisture Vapor Reduction Admix (MVRA-CPS) products will not void your Commercial Flooring Manufacturers “Material-Defect” Warranty and neither product is a bond breaker. Both PIA & MVRA-CPS warrant two items that are not “usually” covered in Commercial Flooring Manufacturers “ Warranties: (1) concrete moisture, and (2) adhesive failures caused by concrete moisture. PIA and MVRA-CPS products have been independently proven not to cause adhesive bond issues (short or long-term), nor have any negative effect on the concrete whatsoever. Per a recent contamination study, Barrier One’s PIA Technology neither created nor contributed to any contamination source or adhesive bond break from the concrete. PIA technology promotes adhesion to the flooring industry’s defined nonporous (power troweled slabs) when best practices are followed. Interestingly enough, all PIA and MVRA manufacturer’s offer some variation of an adhesion guarantee or bond warranty.
Warranty Verification: Ask your selected Commercial Flooring Manufacturer to submit a copy of their warranty highlighting which portion of their warranty will be voided by (1) PIA Technology, and which portion of the warranty will be voided by (2) MVRA Technology. If your Commercial Flooring Manufacturer submit their traditional “Material-Defect” Warranty, then the PIA and MVRA warranties will cover the concrete moisture related items that are excluded from your selected flooring manufacturer’s “material-defect” warranty. In most cases, your selected Flooring Manufacturer has completed numerous projects in tandem with Barrier One since 2003.
Detailed Industry Answer: PIA and MVRA technologies both promote adhesion to the flooring industry’s defined nonporous (power troweled/burnished) slabs. Flooring manufacturers have both “porous” and a “non-porous” adhesive applications. Somehave one adhesive for both applications, others have specific adhesives for both applications. Since 95%+ of commercial concrete slabs are power troweled/burnished slabs, a “non-porous” flooring adhesive application should be followed. However, on most commercial projects, “porous” water-based adhesives are mistakenly approved and installed (which is usually twice the amount of adhesive needed for non-porous applications). This one decision (mistakenly approving porous applications for non-porous slabs), is one of the primary findings of all flooring complaints and failures…….. the over-application of adhesive.
Scientific Answer For Bonding: Concrete is made up of natural ingredients that come from the earth. Portions of sand, rock and cement make up the mix designs on your projects. These same natural materials often contain salts. When these salts migrate to the surface of concrete, they are referred to as efflorescence. Concrete is also primarily comprised of minerals known as silicates. Silicates are made up of oxygen and silicon, two of the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust. Aggregates and fines found in concrete are silicate based. By themselves, they make up over 90% in weight of the earth’s crust as well as the concrete placed onyour projects. If the claim that “sodium silicate-based materials (curing compounds, siliconates, silanes/siloxanes, MVRA’s) could not/should not be dosed integrally into concrete slabs or utilized as topicals with commonly applied adhesives was true, then all flooring adhesives would be prohibited from use on all concrete slabs scheduled to accept adhered flooring. Remember, all PIA and MVRA manufacturer’s offer some variation of an adhesion guarantee or bond warranty.