Budget-friendly moisture control.
CPS admixture provides an economical way to address complete moisture vapor emission issues and eliminate the need for surface-applied moisture mitigation products on new concrete slabs.

- Limited Lifetime Warranty
- Used in lightweight and normal weight concrete
- Complex MVRA liquid admix that offers 2x the performance of other MVRA’s
- Certified Shrink, Corrosion and ASR Inhibitor
- Barrier One’s MVRA “CPS” is the ONLY MVRA independently tested by a third party
- Barrier One’s MVRA “CPS” is the only USA MVRA admix sourced and manufactured in-house.
- There are no “gray” product implications with this admix.
- Water to Cementitious Ratio: .40 – .52
- Eliminates delays due to failed field moisture tests
- CPS works with Supplemental Cementitious Materials (SCM)
- Barrier One’s MVRA “CPS” offers project ASTM 5084 testing when requested by Owner.
- Available in 55-gallon increments.
- Compatible with well consolidated steel and composite fibers.
- Facilitates finishing processes.
A Solid Performer
CPS Moisture Vapor Reduction Admixture (MVRA) is a non-toxic admixture with a long history of successful installations in the field. Our limited lifetime warranty provides peace of mind.
Independent Testing
Independent testing labs have proven CPS to be an extremely effective sodium silicate-based MVRA.
Reduction in Shrinkage
ASTM C-157 Testing
ASTM C-157 Testing
Reduction in Corrosion
ASTM C-1543 Testing
ASTM C-1543 Testing